Huncart 91-95, Hungarian Professional Journals

5.2. Hungarian Professional Journals

The only professional journal of Hungarian surveyors and cartographers, "Geodézia és Kartogfáfia", published since 1949 and at present by the Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing and the Ministry of Agriculture continues its function in reduced page number and frequency since early 1995. The periodical, which used to appear six times a year on 80 pages, is now published 4 times annually on 64 pages. Reduction was necessitated by financial constraints.
During the past four years some 20 % of major articles, and about 11 % of smaller writings (reviews, literature etc.) dealt with cartography (including its history) and remote sensing.

"Térinformatika" (Hungarian GIS) is published since 1992 by the HUNGIS Foundation (a non- profit body sponsored by organizations and private persons with the view of promoting GIS). Appearing on 24 pages 6 times a year, it is the only periodical dealing entirely with news on GIS development both in Hungary and abroad.

editor of Geodézia és Kartográfia

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