5.1. Recent Publications on the History of Cartography in Hungary

The number of works published on the history of cartography in recent years has steadily kept growing.
Besides the articles in the professional journals several volumes have also been published.
They are:

  1. The History of Hungarian Surveying and Mapping (editors-in-chief: I. Joó, F. Raum), printed in Székesfehérvár.
  2. Textbooks of the College of Surveying and Land Management, Székesfehérvár:
  3. Maps of Hungary Prior to the Battle of Mohács (L. Stegena, 68 pp., 25 map supplements, Budapest, 1991);
  4. Major Biographic and Professional Data of Hungarian Surveyors and Cartographers (F. Raum, 158 pp., Budapest, 1993);
  5. Cartographica Hungarica. Series on Hungarian Cartographic History (ed. and published by T. Szathmáry, Budapest - Novafeltria (Italy), Volumes published: No. 1. and 2. in 1992, No. 3. in 1993, No. 4. in 1994).

Frigyes RAUM

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