MEETING 2-95 in Oerlinghausen, Germany
Minutes summary, IOF MC Ordinary meeting: 2-95
Time: 1995-08-12
Place: Oerlinghausen, Germany
Participants: Flemming Norgaard (DEN, chair), Jorma Aake (FIN), Chris Shaw (UK), Andreas Dresen (GER), Björn Persson (SWE)
Also present as an observer: Lennart Karlsson (SWE)

The chairman (FN) welcomed everyone to Germany and thanked AD for arranging the superb venue - to be used for the Mapping Conference.

Approval of agenda and appointment of secretary
The agenda as circulated was approved and CS agreed to act as minutes secretary.

Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting held 11th March 1995 in Haninge, Sweden were accepted as a true and accurate record.

Reports from Council/Committees
FN gave a brief report from the Council meeting held in Egham, England during April. Orienteering on Mountain Bikes (MTB) is likely to become a new discipline under the umbrella of the IOF in the near future.

There has been some correspondence on the proposed mapping course in South Africa, reported later on.

Reports from members of map committee
Finland - The use of the bare rock screen (212) has evolved so that only areas with no low vegetation (grass, moss, etc.) are now mapped with this symbol. Areas of bare rock covered with low vegetation will now be mapped with the appropriate yellow.

The Finnish Federation are implementing a map adviser scheme to check new maps and hope all maps will have an adviser within a couple of years.

Great Britain - The recent British Championships was held in a technical area of forested sand dunes. The map was drawn at 1:10000 with an enlargement to 1:7500 for older competitors. Copies of both maps were distributed to show the complexity of large areas of the map. One comment was that it was not necessary to use so many tags to indicate the down slopes.

This brought about a general discussion on 1:10000 maps, problems with maps at this scale include: the increased map size, competitors can lose an overall view of the course, long legs can be difficult to assess when maps are folded up, the obvious route may go outside the visible segment of map. JA stated that Finland would be using a 1:10000 map for the first time at the Finnish Championships next year. It was noted also that Switzerland had requested that their World Cup events next year use 1:10000 maps.

Sweden - Following on from discussions on colour blindness and map colours, a map has been printed with three different greens, namely PMS361 (current JOE specification), PMS339 (old IOF specification) and an intermediate green PMS347. The difference in colour (especially between PMS361 and PMS347) is minimal. SOFT have consulted an expert in colour blindness and he was of the opinion that the differences between them were little and running a test with colour blind competitors would be unlikely to produce conclusive results. SOFT are still considering whether to continue with the tests.

Mapping Courses
FN had spoken to Barry McCrae regarding the request for assistance with an OCAD workshop, there are some OCAD users in Australia who can provide instruction and so there is no need for funding.

South Africa would still like a mapping course, FN to speak to Colin Duktiewicz during WOC to finalise arrangements. It is proposed for Robin Harvey (GBR) to lead the course, there is SEK 7000- in the budget for this.

BP to co-ordinate proposals for future courses. As discussed at previous meetings, it may be possible to target courses for the newer federations who have aspirations of staging a major IOF event. BP to check the list of host countries for the World Cup in 1998, also JWOC and VWC.

Instructors' Conference
The Instructors' Conference is to be held at this same venue over the next three days (l3th-l5th August). The final agenda was prepared. CS agreed to write a short report on the conference plus an abbreviated report for inclusion in IOF Headlines.

Map Committee Working Groups
Revision of Instructors Kit - CS had progressed with the revision of the text but was not yet complete. FN agreed to review the text, especially the section on computerised cartography and its relevance to Mac users. The format in which the kit is produced has yet to be decided, it was suggested that this could be discussed at the Instructors Conference.

Symbol Group - This working group has yet to start work due to other commitments. Lennart Karlsson (SWE) replaces Peo Derabrant (SWE) and Hans Steinegger (SUI) is added to the working group. The first role of the working group will be to see were minor modifications to the existing ISOM can be made to improve map clarity now that the majority of maps are produced using computers. This will be followed by a review of ISOM in preparation of the next revision.

Technical Development Group - BP gave his ideas on how he would like to see this progressed. As a starting point he would like to open a forum on the World Wide Web (WWW) to include a newsletter, a starting point for discussion to take place world wide.

Trail-O Map Specifications - Sweden had been establishing a set of specifications with participation from their mapping and Trail-O committees. It was felt there was no need for special symbols, maps would generally be colour copied and enlarged to 1:5000. As most maps are now drawn using computers, it is easy to extract a portion of an existing map, carry out some extra fieldwork around the tracks and produce a Trail-O map. The specification would be an addendum to the existing ISOM. BP to produce a translation of these notes for CS.

There are presently no copies of the English version of ISOM, a request had been made to reproduce the ISOM and what was the position on copyright. The English version is the official version of ISOM, all translations should state that they are a translation of the English version of ISOM with local interpretation. As there are plans to re-print ISOM in early 1996, it would be okay to copy ISOM but not to reprint it.

Any interesting articles on mapping from committee members should be sent to Orienteering World. A short report on the Instructor's Conference will be written for IOF Headlines.

There is still SEK 12000- available, SEK 7000- is for Mapping Clinic in South Africa, the remainder is for Instructors' Conference and proposed publications.

Next Meeting
The next meeting will be arranged by FN for the early part of 1996.

Any Other Business
3pts for correct place, 1pt for top three but incorrect place.

Post meeting - Congratulations Andreas on a perfect 1-2-3 prediction.