MEETING 1-94 in Pargas, Finland
Minutes summary, IOF MC Ordinary meeting: 1-94
Time: 1994-03-19
Place: Pargas, Finland
Participants: Thomas Brogli (SUI, chair), Jorma Ake (FIN), Andreas Dresen (GER), Flemming Norgaard (DEN), Chris Shaw (UK), Gyula Szabó (HUN).
Apologies: Björn Persson (SWE), Cesare Tarabocchia (ITA)

TB welcomed everyone for attending the meeting and thanked JA for arranging the splendid facilities.

Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting held 6th November 1993 in Coredo, Italy were accepted as written. A letter had been received from BP questioning the wording on the use of the elongated knoll, it was clarified that the symbol should not be used for major IOF events such as WOC and WC.

Reports from Council/Conunittees
TB had continued dialogue with Heinz Tschudin on the proposed restructuring of the IOF and outlined the latest thinking. This was that current committee structure were members are proposed by their member Federations are replaced by smaller committees/working groups were members are nominated and elected by IOF Council. The committees/working groups would be set up for specific tasks and once completed could be disbanded, this would enable monies to be allocated as and when needed rather than establishing long term budgets. Some of these committees such as MC and WCG would be of a more permanent basis.

The committees/working groups would consist of 4-6 persons appointed by Council with the chairperson who liaises with Council elected from within. Every 1-2 years a strategic conference would be organised, were representatives from all member federations would be able to forward ideas and discussion. The project group would then act on these.

No other reports had been received.


The only correspondence received has been related to World Cup events and is included below.

World Cup 1994

There is growing concern at the number of 1:10000 maps being proposed for competition and often the lateness of some requests for using this map scale. The results of the questionnaire circulated to elite orienteers on map scale and short distance events provided encouragement for MC policies.

New Zealand - recent request from organisers for a 1:10000 scale map, included some sample mapping. It was felt that without any knowledge of the terrain and at such a late stage it would be inappropriate to reject their request - will await feedback from competitors.

Norway - agreed to their request for a 1:10000 map for their short distance event at the Doune meeting in March 1993.

Czech Republic - their request for a 1:10000 map to be used for both classic distance and relay events was rejected at the Doune meeting. Much correspondence has passed between MC, WCG, the IOF controller and the Czech organisers. The IOF controller, Didier Haberkorn supports the Czech organisers in their request for a 1:10000 map and has overruled the MC decision, as he has overall responsibility for the event.

There needs to be more liaising between MC, WCG and the lOP controller, with any controversial views on map scales being discussed before decisions and opinions are passed to organlsers.

It was felt that there was a need for a set of proposals and timetable for future World Cup events, the MC suggestions are:The application for a World Cup event should include details about the terrain, the proposed map scale, any non IOF symbols to be used and the printed symbols size (normal or enlarged). Once an application had been accepted a contract for the competition is established between the IOF and the organisers which can be cancelled by the IOF if the competition conditions are not met. This idea was discussed informally with Lasse Niemelä afterwards.

Activity Report 1992-1994

TB had produced a draft of a report be presented at Congress which was distributed. This included reports on: Standardisation of Orienteering Maps, Instructor's Conference, Mapping Courses, Development of Computerised Drawing and the Development of Photogrammetry.

Activity Plan 1994-1996

TB had produced a draft of a plan to be presented at Congress which was distributed. This included proposals on: International Standards, Information and Education, Map Making with Computers and Development in Photogrammetry.

Membership IOF MC 1994+
TB having held the chair for 6 years wished to stand down though would like to remain on the committee. It was agreed that TB should approach BP as to whether he would be willing to be nominated for Chairperson.

All those present were willing to remain on the committee.

CT wished to stand down from MC as there were no longer funds available for his attendance.

Instructors Kit - CT was unable continue the coordination of updating this publication. AD to coordinate a review of this, all to provide comments to AD by early May for collation ready for discussion at the June meeting. The chapter on scribing will be omitted from the revision and a new chapter on computer mapping will need to be included. It was protosed that the revised version should be published Spring 1995 though in what format has still to be decided.

FN to acquire 3 SOFT publications for review and if suitable will be ordered for all committee members. Parts may be suitable material for inclusion in the Instructors Kit.

Orienteering World - TB had discussed with Clive Allen (editor) the inclusion of a regular feature on some mapping related topic. It was agreed that articles should appear every other issue. The proposed timetable starting with the next issue:

TB article on map scales
BP (TB to ask) on survey results on short distance O by elite orienteers.
FN article on computer mapping.

Maps for Trail-O - It was felt an article in Orienteering World would be the best way to disseminate information.

Mapping Courses
The course planned for South Africa had been cancelled by the South African O.F. and no money had been spent. No courses were planned at present due to very limited funds.

It was proposed to review the current ISOM at the next meeting and to prepare an addendum. This would include re wording of some ambiguous statements and to identify existing and possibly new symbols which need not be mandatory for inclusion on a map. JA to review symbol list in preparation for next meeting.

Next Meeting
To be held during lOP Congress (2lst-26th June 1994) at Varna, Bulgaria on Saturday 25th June 1994.

Any other business
An informal meeting followed with Lasse Niemelä, Chairperson of the World Cup Group to discuss map scales and timetables for World Cup events.

Contact Numbers
New fax number for Andreas Dresen +49 6131 163391
New home telephone number for Chris Shaw +44 562 885818