Map scales for Foot Orienteering

This memorandum is written to clarify and underline the IOF Competition Rules concerning map scales for foot- orienteering events.

Map scales for different types of events

The IOF Competition Rules (revised in 1997) section 15.1 and 15.2 state that for World Championships, World Cup and World Ranking events, map scale for classic distance shall be 1:15 000. Map scale for short distance and relay shall be 1: 15 000 or 1: 10 000. Permission to deviate from this shall be requested to and decided by the IOF Council. In accordance with the "IOF Council division of responsibilities", the IOF Map Committee is the deciding body in this matter.


With the introduction of the short distance into the World Orienteering Championships programme, the sport was given the opportunity to profile two different types of disciplines, each with its own benefits. The short distance being a technical high-speed event, with 25 minute courses and battles of seconds for the medals. The classic distance being the physical demand, with route choicing skills on long legs and racing-tactics as important factors besides the pure technical orienteering. Soon requests were put to enlarge the 1:15 000 scale maps to 1:10 000 for the short distance. One reason was that these enlarged maps were said to be better legible at "super-speed". Antoher reason was the often very short distance between controls, making the control cirkels fall together on the map. This was considered a well motivated demand and adopted into the rules for O-maps.

The last years has seen a trend where the classic distance is slowly emerging into a "long short-distance". Races with 25-30 controls and two or three map change-overs on 1:10 000 scale maps makes it difficult to preserve the values of classical orienteering outlined above. Discussions with and investigations among the runners shows that they, the "users", are against this trend and wants to maintain the characteristics of each discipline. The map scale is identified to play an important role in this effort. The classic distance races at the World Championships during this period were given as good examples on real classic orienteering.

Policy declaration

Identifying the map scale as an important factor to preserve the values of classic orienteering, the IOF Map Committee will be highly restrictive to allow any deviations from the IOF Rules concerning map scales.

This shall send a clear message to all actors on the International Orienteering arena. Organisers and map makers must already from the beginning plan and act according to these rules. Athletes must know what to expect at the International Event level, and the Federations must back them up by acting accordingly on its home ground.

It is the Map Committees sincere belief that the two disciplines, with its respective value, in the future shall develop side by side helped by this policy, and that both shall be appreciated for its own benefits.


Helsinki, February 1998

the International Orienteering Federation Map Committee