2. Definitions


Formalized representation (display, image reflected) of facts, concepts or briefing, which is suitable for communication, interpretation or processing by human or by automated means.

data subset

Part of database or data set chosen according to optional point of view.

data base

Set of objects of finite amount, of their also by single finite number attribute values and of their occurrence of relation, organized according to the data model.

data set

Collection of data, considered coherent according to some arrangement principle intended for use in computer.

data model

Ensemble of object types of finite amount, of their attribute types of finite amount also individually and their relation types organized according to uniform principles general theoretical structure of database. Collection of concepts for representation of the geographic environment by selected requirements

data capture

Metric measurement or determination of the positional and form data of objects (and less frequently of attributes) or the textual (generally codified) capture of other data of the objects, data of attributes and relations.

data consistency

It indicates, how the ensemble of rules related to the data structure, objects and the relations on the level of a certain data or group of data was realized.

data security

Ensemble of orders and rules formulating the requirements, freedom and competence of the access to the data.


Validity expressed by the date of entry, alteration and abolition of data

control points

Points representing physically the reference (coordinate) system, providing the frame work of surveys in a uniform system of coordinate and marked on the spot.

base map

Map constituting the basis and joining surface of the multipurpose use, of which

a) reference and projection system is strictly determined,

b) contents consist of objects of cartographic subject and of their attributes and relations, which are built up of the joint set of the properly defined data requirements of a broad and well determinable segment of users

c) data quality characteristics are fitted to the technically and economically properly justified demand of top level of the would-be users and applications to be expected.


Parts of parcel existing within a parcel and having different sorts of use and exceeding a certain areal measure fixed by a separate legal rule are called subparcel and distinguished. Each subparcel is registered with a designation: under the number of the encompassing parcel letter- division (max. 20 pc.)


Data describing the characteristics of an object. Its synonym: feature.

attribute value

Concrete designation of the features describing the object. Its synonym: feature value.

attribute type

Abstract designation of the feature describing the object. Its synonym: feature type.

official acceptance

See verification, certification and acceptance.

block (matrix data)

In this standard it constitutes the object unit of the digital terrain model. It covers the parallelepiped-formed part of the Earth's surface in the plane, its sides are x,y oriented. The block is filled up by equally parallelepiped-formed, so called sub-blocks arranged matrix-like. The sub-blocks consist of grid cells equally matrix-like arranged and characterized by earth surface height data. One sub-block represents one height matrix. One block arranges the set of height matrixes also in matrix.


Base of all the objects of DAT data base, the lowest level of the geometrical construction. Each positional information is carried by the node by use of the coordinates x, y and optionally height in most of the cases.

DAT digital base map

The DAT being in harmony with the concept "base map" is a computer-assisted formation of data of parcels, natural and artificial forms of the Earth's surface produced truly with content details needed to express their natural relationship and occasionally by use of generalisation in compliance of the requirements laid down in this standard.

digital map

Representation of discrete points of the Earth's surface in digital form. It is called still numerical map.

digital map database

Map expressed with data in digital form and stored structured in database

elevation model

Description of the Earth's surface in discrete points chosen according to a certain principle with the arranged set of the height points attached to the plane or geographical coordinates. Its synonyms: elevation model, surface model.

other independent immovable (EÖI)

Collective noun for parts of buildings or constructions got independent (e.g. flats, cellars, underground garages), the owners of which differ partly or totally from those of the encompassing parcel. More exactly one owns the building or the constructions and another owns the parcel. The parcel number of the other independent immovable is designated by the number of the encompassing parcel divided with the letters of the ABC. The EÖI is treated by this standard just till the level of building, house and not yet till the level of the flats.

simple object

It is an object consisting just of primitives already not divisible to further simple objects (so of minimum configuration)

lineage, source

One factor of the data quality describing the owner or manager of the data, organization date and technique of the survey or revision, the used standards and instructions, source materials and the relative modification, the main accuracy categories, content relationships of the data in question, as well as the way of checking and verification of the data.


It is immediate primitive. It is built up of one or more segments of identical orientedness. Part of the boundary of a face.

numerical precision

The numerical precision of the data is a concept intended to characterize the quantity of the displayed figures.


Result of a creative, constructional procedure by building (e.g. scaffold, dyke, house, bridge, dam, tribune, railway).


It is a permanent construction built from solid materials intended for housing people, animals, for their stay or deposit and storage of materials (e.g. dwelling house, dwelling building, cellar, garage, stall, store, railway station, bus terminal, church).


As to the content it is a synonym of the layer. One can notice a Hungarian linguistical particularity in it, which is indicated by the ending "-vény". Its use has its roots in the analogue (graphical) cartography.

environs of settlement

A concept intended for distinction of the inhabited inner area and rural area within an administrative unit the settlement.


Procedure of planning, ensuring and fulfilling of its conditions, arrangement and processing of the data, checking, correction, verification, proving the trustworthiness, official acceptance and organization into database of the results, as well as of documentation of the above activity.

surface object

It is a 2D object having an areal extension and perimeter. In the space it may have 3D extensions, but this will converted into that of 2D by projecting in plane.

conceptual model

Description of the data model and the main regularities of the data in connection with the applicational environment by means of user's and natural concepts.

land surveying

Mapping purpose survey of the Earth's surface, the objects of the surface, their attributes, relations (see surveying too). According to the original or in comparison of the above narrower conception in meant first of it all determination of the geometric elements, the attributes and relations were included just according to the minimum need of the representation by driving (it is demonstrated also by the term "geometer" used in some languages.


The parcel is an area of the Earth's surface naturally contiguous not interrupted by administrative boundaries, in case of public domain by parting and intersections, for each part of which the terms of ownership (trustee) are identical.


Selection, simplification, integration and conceptual conversion of the map content in compliance of with the scale or goal of the map to be produced.


Geodetical identifier. Complex data designating the spatial position of the objects with coordinates, expressing also their geometrical feature and areal relationship with the so called feature code, which serves as a uniform identifier in order to link and jointly use the different data sets. Its use according the Hungarian legal rule: geocode (feature code, x, y, H). In the database DAT it is justified to disregard the parameter feature code from the geocode, because the information forming the feature code is contained in other ground attributes, from which the feature code can at any time be produced for presenting the output. Consequently in the standard the designation geocode (x, y, H) or geocode (x, y[, H]) is used. The [, H] is meant: the height is optional.

geometrical data

Complex data expressing the information related to the position in space and the form of the object in numerical way.


Hierarchy of primitive configurations serving the geometrical structure of the objects of different form and of spatial extension: in 0D the node, in 1D the segment or arc (as intermediate element the line), in 2D the face. They are totally built up on each other from down to upward. In the database they ensure the geometrical structure of the objects optimally without redundance and break.

explanatory illustration

Sketch situated out of the map frame complemented with explanatory text related to the content of a given map sheet, to its selected details or to its position in it environs.

boundary points

Detail points designating the boundary of administrative units and parcels determined by survey.

parcel number

Identifier of the parcel. In a particular way by settlement developed series of figures.


Content topological and data quality checking of data subset captured by surveying or digitizing or resulted from other organizations and planned to enter in the database DAT and its comparison with things and facts in question of the real world.

verification and certification

Verification of the data subset and certifying the trustworthy state.

verification, certification and acceptance

Verification of the data subset and certifying the trustworthy state and entry of the data set into the database.

legal type

It serves for grouping of the parcel and other independent immovable. The legal type expresses the limitation of use of the real estate.

relation, relationship

Thematical and geometrical relation between two or more objects or geometrical relationship of one object and the geometrical elements between each other. In the relation the one side contains the feature of identification role of the other side as a feature of linkage role.

relationship occurrence

concrete indication of the relation (specifical)

relationship occurrence

Abstract indication of the relation (generical)

complex object

See: Combined object

mean error

Index number of the accuracy

public domain

The concept public domain includes the roads, dirty roads, railways, public use water surfaces, parks, squares and other public use parcels

road identification point

A spot marked by a nail in the intersection point of the axis of the road and the axis of another crossing road or an administration boundary.

KSH settlement code

Numerical code for the manifold identification of the settlements, which includes the prime number for the identification of the settlement (5 positions) and the so called index number (6 positions). The latter indicates, in what county is the settlement, what kind of legal position it has (village, district in the capital city, town, town of county rank, capital city) and whether it is a county site. The settlement code is the first 11 numerical code of the areal index number system introduced by the Central Statistical Office


It is the most complex primitive contained in this standard. It represents a plane. Its boundary is described by edges of identical orientedness, consequently also the face gets oriented.

matrix data

In this standard one grid of certain dimension is a matrix like arranged set of heights characteristical to areal units (gridcells), but attached to the discretely selected point (SW corner) of the gridcells.


It reflects the value of the least blunder still detectable in the data subset.


Simplification of the reality. Estimation of depending variables on the base of several known independent variables. In the spatial informatics it means the combination of different map layers and attribute data in order to enable one to estimate the impact of the change of the parameters.


The process of describing the data of the real world by abstraction.

technical framework map

Map (map database) representing the geodetical control points and the detail points as well as the boundaries of the administration units and sub-units (environs of settlement, town districts, blocks), which serves as a technical-geometrical framework for every further surveying purpose mapping activity.

engineer work for construction

Construction built in the track of road, railway and different pipes and cables promoting their security and use as well as helping the water management and water regulation activity (bridge, culvert passage, shaft, river wall, lock).

non-cultivated land

Area not standing under agricultural and forestry cultivation or for that unsuitable.

nature of usage

It is intended for distinction of areas under agricultural and forestry cultivation by main usage way.

track segment

See: pipe segment, cable segment.


A concrete object, thing or phenomenon, which is intended to be formed and described with knowledge. Its synonyms: individual, entity, element.

object sort

Abstract designation of objects, things or phenomena to be described with knowledges. Its synonym: individual sort.

geometrical object type

One optional typifying of objects according to their spatial extension. Accordingly there are point, line, surface and body objects. Instead of the geometrical types of objects also the shorter term object sort is in use. In the database DAT just the first three object sorts are included.

object oriented

One sort of database structure, where the ground of the arrangement principle is provided by the objects.

object class

object group

Different levels of the classification of objects belonging to some database with an abstract designation. The object class constitutes the higher level.

object type

See: geometrical object type

complex object

Object consisting simple and/or complex objects and primitives.


It characterizes the divergence between measured and theoretical values of the data.

point object

0D object having positional data but no spatial extension or it negligible from the point of view of the digital base map.

postal address

Data series containing the elements: postal code number, name of the settlement, kind of public domain, house number, building, staircase, floor and door.


1. Ability to distinguish almost equal values, its amount.

2. Degree of the distinction, with which a quantity was designated

points of surveying details

Points of the object of the DAT, or in case of point object the objects themselves.


Part set of spatial informatics or narrower interpreted mapping data subset, which deals with a theme registered in a certain code catalogue. It solves the classification of the objects belonging to some sort of data subset - unlikely from the hierarchy of more level represented by the object class and group - elementarily on just one single level. (In this standard it is not used, but in the guide "Layer assignment for preparing the digital basic map datasubsets" published for a transitional period prior to the standard it is the base and designation of the classification of one level.

line segment

It links two nodes, oriented from the so called initial point to the so called end node. It is component of the edge. If the node is linked by a curve described by a function, then it is about a more general case, that of the arc.

sector code

It serves for the classification of land by the owners or the trustee organizations.

frame of map sheet

An deliberately chosen line forming a regular square designating the boundary of an area to be represented by a certain map sheet.


It is a juridical concept for use of a certain part of a parcel being not in one's own possession.

text attribute

Textual data intended to be displayed on map or video screen in connection with the identification, features, relations of the object.


Collective noun for denoting the villages, towns, towns with a legal status of a county, districts of the capital city and the capital as administration units having self government status.


Quantitative relationship between the objects (or their features or relations) actually contained and intended to be contained in the database. Its maximum value is theoretically 1, minimum one is 0. The completeness is usually given in percentage.

terrain construction

Such an individual not exclusively on rural areas available uncommon construction (e.g. wind mill, wines, stone cross, tower, grave, look-out shaft) or natural feature produced by human activity (e.g. tree, line of trees) which changes the original look out of the Earth's surface and the terrain, is characteristic to it and is generally of interest from the point of view of the mapping.


Ensemble of commands, viewpoints and rules related to the circulation, release or distribution of the data within or out of organization.

land quality class

Code number for distinction of different quality lands within a classification zone by land use.

legend, annotation

Text, or textual data displayed on a map sheet for explanation of a certain object or object group, object class, segment of database contained in the map sheet in the question.


Relationship, connection of geometrical sort among the objects and primitives (e.g. encompassing, belonging, part of component). It has a significant role in development of the topological structured database.

topological error

Concept applied in the spatial informatics, it denotes the unconsistency of the geometrical structure.

topological verification

Part of the verification. When entering of a certain data subset into a database it means study of the existence of the prescribed topological harmony within the data subset and between the data subset and database, in case of lock of error preparation of a certification on it or compilation of protocol-list.

topological structured

The database, the structure of which is shaped considering the variables describing the topology (encompassing, belonging, part of component).

block (cadastral)

Contiguous group not containing public domain of not public domain parcels which is bordered by public domain. In case of public domain: contiguous group not containing not public domain of public domain parcels the boundary of which is determined deliberately partly or totally on base of practicability purpose* or the boundary of which is formed partly by not public domain parcel or district of capital city or border of environs of settlement.

tolerance classes

different levels of quality requirements (e.g. limits of error) related to the geometrical data.

road segment

The section of a certain road, which extends between two adjacent road identification points.


Revision of the objects, their attributes and relations in the database on the map or in other registration.

pipe segment, cable segment

Part of pipe or other facility having a track, the features of which are unchanged and which is confined by its two characteristical points (division point, interruption point, checking shaft).

line object

1D object, which is characterized by its linear extensions, shape and position.

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