9 ANNEX: Formulas for computation from IUGG GRS 1967 ellipsoid to EOV projection and from EOV projection to IUGG GRS 1967 ellipsoid

1. First case: From IUGG GRS 1967 ellipsoid to EOV

( , ) - ( , ) and ( , ) - (XEOV , YEOV)

1.a: From ellipsoid to the best fitting Gauss-sphere

( , ) - ( , )

e = excentricity
= 1.0031100083
= 1.0007197049

1.b: From the best fitting Gauss-sphere to EOV plane

( , ) - (XEOV , YEOV)


XEOV = x + 200 000.000 m
YEOV = y + 650 000.000 m

2. Second case: From EOV to IUGG GRS 1967 ellipsoid

(XEOV , YEOV) - ( , ) and ( , ) - ( , )

2.a: From EOV to the best fitting Gauss-sphere
(XEOV , YEOV) - ( , )

x = XEOV - 200 000.000 m
y = YEOV - 650 000.000 m

e = 2.718 281 8285

2.b: From best fitting Gauss-sphere to the ellipsoid

( , ) - ( , )


Source of information:
MÉM OFTH, 1975: Vetületi Szabályzat az Egységes Országos Vetületi Rendszer alkalmazására. Regulation by National Office of Lands and Mapping, Ministry of Agriculture and Foods, 1975, Budapest, Hungary. (In English: Regulation on Application of the Uniform National Projection System.)

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